Geological Mapping

Field Mapping and Area Reconnaissance

Geological mapping is an investigative service performed by geologists, mine engineers, and geological engineers that aims to identify the geological characteristics of a given site.

This study has numerous applications, but the main one is geological reconnaissance for mineral exploration. The term “Mineral Exploration” should be understood as the initial phase of a mineral research project.

The Geological Mapping used in mineral exploration begins still in the office when ÍGNEABR professionals perform bibliographic studies of the area of interest aiming to gather as much information about works already done and available in public databases.

After conducting the bibliographic studies it is possible to make a preliminary geological map that allows the first field studies to be planned with more accuracy and with a bias towards the recognition of geological features.

The field studies allow the identification of the mineral potential of a given area. The field work results in a detailed geological map highlighting the features of greatest interest, profiles, sampling points, etc.

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